To S., amendments were offered by New Jerseys Senate on Sept 12, 2015 2701, inching the NJ Marijuana Legalization Act toward enactment. Beginning in 2016, employers in California are now beyond the six month statute of limitations well on the hook for recordkeeping offenses. Thurmond released bill Number AB 2334 co passed the State legislature and has been signed by the Governor on Sept 19, 2015. January 1, 2016, the law goes into effect. The laws of Arizona and Nevada require companies to pay their employees for time the federal appeals court in Cincinnati has ruled. Busk et al. Both state and the city passed sexual harassment laws which require companies to conduct sexual harassment training of employees and to disperse anti harassment policies.
While these harassment laws have drawn much attention, the New York Council handed a statement on December 19, 2017 that has flown beneath the radar though it might have profound consequences for companies that operate in New York. On Sept 20, Governor Brown signed AB 2605, that supplies oil facility employees in safety positions and are covered by a collective bargaining agreement that are exempt from the requirement that workers be relieved. The bill contained an urgency clause, that suggests it went into effect instantly upon signing. In Fritsch v. Swift Transp. Of Ariz., Limited liability company, No. 18-5574 6, The Ninth Circuit explained, in a unanimous decision published, that, where a party might recover its lawyers fees by statute or contract, the Court must consist of future fees and also those already incurred to assess whether a case meets the amount-in controversy threshold beneath the Class Action Fairness Act.
Proposed regulations on the NJ Paid Sick Leave Act were released by the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development on Sept 18, 2016. The NJPSLA will go into effect on October 29, 2016. The proposed regulations answer some questions created by the Act, but leave others unanswered. On June 12, 2016, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee issued an executive order which directs Washington bureaus to favor government contractors that don’t require employees to submit to person arbitration of claims. A Connecticut federal court judge provided further clarifications for companies concerning Connecticuts Palliative Use of Marijuana Act. This case is meaningful to employers because clarifies the relationship between federal and Connecticut state legislation concerning cannabis use and provides important guidance for companies which use drug testing at work. The NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development lately issued proposed regulations to implement the NJ paid sick leave law, that goes into effect on October 29, 2016.